2025 8th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation (IMA 2025)
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Prof. Qinglai Wei

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Profile: Wei Qinglai, researcher of Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, doctoral supervisor, deputy director of State Key Laboratory of Complex System Management and Control, director of China Automation Society and director of International Neural Network Society. Winner of National Outstanding Youth Fund, winner of National Outstanding Youth Fund. Mainly engaged in artificial intelligence, self-learning optimal control, adaptive optimization decision-making, self-evolution of complex systems, adaptive dynamic planning and its industrial application. At present, more than 120 papers have been published/hired, and 6 monographs have been published. As the project leader, he presided over 20 scientific research projects, including 9 provincial and ministerial-level fund projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation's Outstanding Youth Fund. Obtained the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Outstanding Paper Award, IEEE System, Man, and Cybernetics Society, Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, China Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Award, Young Scientist Award of China Automation Society, Yang Jiachi Science and Technology Award of China Automation Society, Young Scholar Award of Asia-Pacific Neural Network Society, Outstanding Young Paper Award of Zhang Siying in 2015, etc. Served as the editorial board of 13 journals, including 7 IEEE journals. Served as vice chairman of IEEE CIS Beijing Chapter. He held important positions in 14 international academic conferences in related fields such as DDCLS2020 and ICONIP 2018.


Prof. Xudong Zhao

Dalian University of Technology, China

Profile: Zhao Xudong, doctor, professor and doctoral supervisor. State-level leading talents have presided over many projects, such as major national science and technology projects (chief scientists), key national R&D programs, key national natural science foundation projects, national outstanding youth fund projects, Liaoning Xingliao talents, outstanding scientific and technological talents in colleges and universities, etc., and have won many global highly cited scientist awards, 2021 USERN Young Scientist Award, and Young Scientist Award of China Automation Society. At present, more than 200 papers on SCI journals have been published, including more than 100 papers on Automatica and IEEE Transactions. Publish an English monograph in Springer; Authorized 9 national invention patents; The paper was cited by Google Scholar for more than 16,000 times and by SCI for more than 10,000 times, and was evaluated by more than 30 academicians at home and abroad and more than 90 IEEE Fellow. Won 5 provincial and ministerial awards such as the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education. Served as the editorial board of several SCI journals.


Prof. Yanjun Liu

Liaoning University of Technology, China

Profile: Liu Yanjun, professor, doctoral supervisor, vice president of Liaoning University of Technology. In 2015, he was awarded the title of "distinguished professor, Liaoning Province" and in 2016, he was funded by the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars. In 2016, he won the 100-person-level candidate of "100 million talents project" in Liaoning Province; In 2017, he served as the head of the "Liaoning University Innovation Team"; He is currently the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, an important SCI retrieval journal in the international control field, and acta automatica sinica, an authoritative EI retrieval journal in the domestic control field; At present, he is a member of the Professional Committee of Data-Driven Control, Learning and Optimization of China Automation Society and a senior member of the international IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. The main research direction is intelligent control theory and its application. A total of more than 60 academic papers have been published, including more than 40 papers retrieved by SCI by the first author. In particular, Automatica, the top journal in the field of international control, and IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, the authoritative journals in the field of international intelligent control, More than 20 papers have been published on IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems; Papers published in the famous international journal IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics won the 100 most influential international academic papers in China in 2015; Some theoretical research results won the second prize of natural science of the Ministry of Education in 2015.


Prof. Wenling Li

Beihang University, China

Profile: Li Wenling, doctoral supervisor and master supervisor, whose research interests are multi-source information fusion and multi-target tracking. He has published more than 70 papers, 47 SCI papers, authorized 5 invention patents, published 1 monograph, presided over 3 national natural science foundations and participated in 2 national key R&D projects. The first finisher won the second prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Natural Science Award, and the fourth finisher won the first prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education. He is the editorial board member of IET Signal Processing Journal of SCI and the academic editor of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. He is also the deputy director of Intelligent Automation Committee of China Automation Society and the deputy secretary-general of Intelligent Service Committee of China Artificial Intelligence Society.


Prof. Mouquan Shen

Nanjing Tech University, China

Profile: Mouquan Shen is a professor and doctoral advisor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Control Science,Nanjing Tech University. Postdoctoral fellow of Southeast University, visiting scholar of University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University of South Korea and University of Adelaide of Australia. In 2015, it was selected as the 12th batch of cultivation objects of "Six Talents Peak" in Jiangsu Province. He has presided over 8 projects above provincial and ministerial level, such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the New Teachers Fund for doctoral programs of the Ministry of Education and the Natural Science Fund of Jiangsu Province. For the last five years, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems and other journals published more than 40 papers, including 3 ESI hot papers and 8 ESI highly cited papers. He is currently an Associate Editor of 4 international journals, including Journal of Systems and Control Engineering Editorial Office. He is the reviewer of more than 60 domestic and foreign journals such as IEEE TAC and Automatica, and is also the correspondence reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation.

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Prof. Yupiter HP Manurung

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) , Malaysia

Profile: Yupiter HP Manurung is a full Professor at School of Mechanical Engineering in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Shah Alam, Malaysia and Adjunct Professor at North Sumatera University (Universitas Sumatera Utara) in Medan, Indonesia. He is currently a Principle Fellow at Smart Manufacturing Research Institute (SMRI) and also a Professional Engineer (Ir-BEM), a Professional Technologist (Ts-MBOT), a Chartered Engineer (CEng-IMechE) and member of Association of German Engineer (VDI) who received his A-Level, BSc, MSc and PhD in Manufacturing Technology from German universities. Additionally, he is a certified International/European/German Welding Engineer (IWE/EWE/SFI) and Laser Technologist as well as Laser Safety Officer from German Research Institutes. He has been supervising more than 200 bachelor students and postgraduate researchers, some of them are students or researchers from German Universities. With his postgraduate students and international research partners from Germany, Austria, Tunisian, Cyprus and Ukraine, he has been publishing high-impact scientific publications in various international journals and conferences on Advanced Welding Technology, Virtual Manufacturing, Metal Additive Manufacturing and Weld Fatigue Integrity with financial support from national and international research grant such as E-Science, FRGS, DAAD, Erasmus+, ASEA UNINET, GIP and various industries. He is an examiner of more than 15 postgraduate theses from all over the world, a reviewer of various international scientific journals and an evaluator of national and international research grants. Since 2016, he is an international research fellow at Professorship of Virtual Production Engineering in Technical University Chemnitz in Germany.